Tumi & the Volume, Two Minute Puzzle, Stefan Dixon and Captain Stu

When: Sunday, 16th October 2011  @  09:00 - 14:00
Where: Fort Schanskop @ Voortrekker Monument

Okay people here we go

Please take note of the following: The fort is a museum so no graffiti please. Please limit the amounts of glass bottle brought in, please make use of tin cans and plastic cups.

Line Up: Due to the Rugby World Cup, Park Acoustics will only start at 13:00 and not at 12:00

12:00 gates open

13:00 Captain Stu

14:00 Stefan Dixon

15:00 Two Minute Puzzle

16:00 Tumi and the volume

Watch out for the Converse lounge which will make a stop at Park Acoustics on the 16th October 2011, more to follow shortly. Lots of prizes and fun in the sun.

Pre-sale tickets are now available, R55 @ www.ticketbreak.co.za/event_details/1363

Entrance fee at the door:
R65 adults and students
R45 scholars (ID on request)
Free for children younger than 6

What to bring:
Picnic baskets (own food and alcohol are allowed, BUT NO GLASS PLEASE)
Gas braai or a small braai
Money for band merchandise, food stall and bar
Small umbrellas
All your friends and family

What not to bring:
No glass please
Domestic animals
Illegal substances
Bad vibes

Facilities available:
Bar, food stall, clean toilets, picnic facilities, hiking trails, mountain biking trails, The Voortrekker Monument (additional entrance), safe and secure parking and an amazing view of Pretoria

R5 per car (pay at main gate) this will insure that you get a safe and secure parking. Parking will be at the picnic site, from there you will catch a bus to the fort.

All aboard! Tshwane municipality will help us out with a “park and ride bus services”. Parking for the show will be at the picnic site, just below the Voortrekker Monument. There you will catch a bus shuttle which will take you to Fort Schanskop. The buses will leave every 15min from 11:00 till 17:00. So no more hiking up and down the hill.

Park Acoustics is a great outdoor event, for all ages (young & old)

Connect with us:
web – www.parkacoustics.co.za
twitter – @parkacoustics
email – parkacoustics@gmail.com

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