Peroxide presents SYNTH WARS
When: Saturday, 5th March 2011 @ 20:00 - 02:00
Where: Fiction
Not so long ago, on a dancefloor not that far away, Peroxide blasts off into the farthest corner of the galaxy to do battle in SYNTH WARS… In a clash of old vs new, three rebels pilot their sonic blockade runner straight into the heart of the evil empire’s most deadly weapon, the Death Star of Moderation: an awesome planet sized dance palace bristling with an arsenal of bad remix technology and mind numbing pop clutter. Our heroes only hope is their harnessing of the mystic power of The Synth. Join Lapse, Bruno Morphet and Bobby Lightsaber Le Morgan as they journey through time from the 1980s to the present day, adding to their weaponry all the classics and their modern equivalents…from ABC to Anoraak, Gary Numan to Goldfrapp, Depeche Mode to Diogenes Club. They may have made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs, but they need your help to defeat the empire! May the Synth be with you!