New MTKIDU track leaked!
MTKIDU are recording their new album, Skeleton Key, as we speak. The new album will feature some production from Jacob Israel and should be out soon. Keep your eyes on this site, because the full mastered album will be available for free for a limited time from their (new) website. In the mean time grab the track AWB vs ANC in its unmastered form in order to get a taste of the new album.
The track was actually written 3 months ago, but seems very relevant right now. If this track is anything to go by, the new album should be amazing. No matter what MTKIDU bring out, it always has their own distinct sound and AWB vs ANC is not different. Although it touches the familiar territory of electro-pop, they do it with their own flair and sound. Thanks to our inside source for “leaking” the track!
MTKIDU - AWB vs ANC (unmastered leak)Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Technorati Tags: MTKIDU, AWB vs ANC
Nice vox treat o’s !!!!